Igreja Pentecostal Deus é Amor (IPDA) – Gerenciamento de Obras

Control Tec is the Construction Management Company responsible for monitoring the progress of works for the renovation of the Administrative Headquarters' façade, as well as the restoration and recovery of the Pentecostal Church (Deus é Amor - IPDA) World Headquarters' façades, located in Cambuci - São Paulo/SP. The result of this renovation and improvements will bring well-being, better structure and comfort to its members and visitors.
The renovations include the application of new coating, installation of the roof tiles, electrical / CCTV infrastructure, new lighting, repair and restoration of the railings, restoration of the external concrete floor, SPDA improvement, new granite flooring, adequacy of the new access to the parking lot and landscaping.
Total Façade area - 22,000 sqm
Total Façade area (Administrative Headquarters) - 3,500 sqm.